Chat GPT 102- For Intermediate Users

Category: Class

Start Date: 5/9/2024 at 11:30 AM

End Date: 5/9/2024 at 12:30 PM

Cost: $10 for Members

          $30 for Non-Members 

**Education Pass Accepted**

Instructor: Andrea Beddingfield & Peter Parente

Lunch Sponsor: Beth Kearns with CBM Mortgage

NO DPOR CREDITS: This is an informational only class.

Take your knowledge with AI to the next level with our intermediate-level workshop, Chat GPT 102. Tailored for those with some prior knowledge, this hands-on session delves deeper into the intricacies of Chat GPT, focusing on advanced techniques, customization, and optimization. Explore how to enhance user experiences, fine-tune responses, and integrate more sophisticated features into your chatbots. Through interactive exercises and real-world applications, this workshop aims to sharpen your skills and provide practical insights for creating dynamic and engaging conversational interfaces. Join us for an immersive experience that will empower you to elevate your Chat GPT projects to new heights.

The class has a NO refund cancellation or transfer policy.  Additionally, if 10 minutes or more of the class you registered for is missed, you WILL NOT receive any DPOR or Designation/Certification credit if applicable.  GPR reserves the right to cancel due to lack of participation.

If you have any questions, please contact


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